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In introduction to HCI class.
  • Grad
    • Information Visualization and Visual Analytics
      [2024 FALL] [2023 FALL] [2021 FALL] [2020 FALL] [2019 FALL] [2017 FALL] [2016 FALL] [2014 FALL] [2013 FALL] [2012 FALL] [2011 FALL] [2010 FALL] [2009 FALL]
      Information visualization is a research field that focuses on visual representations and interaction techniques to help users analyze and understand large "abstract" data. Information visualization is an interdisciplinary area where theories and techniques established in many research areas such as human-computer interaction, computer graphics, cognitive psychology, and database are fused together.

      The objectives of this course are:
      - Study the background and the principles of information visualization
      - Learn about existing information visualization techniques and systems
      - Grain understanding of evaluation methods for information visualization techniques/systems
      - Learn how to critique existing visualization techniques and systems
      - Build experience on coming up with new information visualization design
  • Und.
    • Human-Computer Interaction
      [2024 SPRING] [2023 SPRING] [2021 SPRING] [2020 SPRING] [2019 SPRING] [2018 SPRING] [2017 SPRING] [2016 SPRING] [2014 SPRING] [2013 SPRING] [2012 SPRING] [2011 SPRING] [2010 SPRING] [2009 SPRING]
      This course introduces the fundamental components and practical techniques of Human-Computer Interaction which is a field of study on designing, implementing, and evaluating interactive computing systems for human use. It starts with studying designs of everyday objects to help students to realize the importance of the efficient design of interactive computing systems. Then, HCI theories and techniques on how to involve users in designing and evaluating interactive computing systems will be covered. In this course, students have a chance to apply the HCI theories and techniques to solving practical problems while designing and implementing a team project throughout the semester.
    • Digital Computer Concept and Practice
      [2021 FALL] [2020 FALL]
      This course aims to help students learn
      - how to write clear, robust, and efficient code in Python
      - how to design, implement, and debug Python programs to solve medium-sized problems with hundreds of lines of codes.
    • Discrete mathematics
      [2017 FALL]
      This course covers the mathematical topics closely related to computer science. Topics include: logic, sets, functions, relations, countability, combinatorics, proof techniques, mathematical induction, recursion, recurrence relations, graph theory, and number theory. The course emphasizes the context and applications of these concepts within computer science.
    • Computer Programming
      [2016 FALL]
      In this course, students learn object-oriented programing in Java and C++. This course covers the fundamentals and APIs of Java and C++. The goal of this course is to enable students to solve real-world problems by learning how to develop quality object-oriented software.
    • Programming Practice
      [2023 FALL] [2014 FALL] [2013 FALL] [2012 FALL]
      In this course, students learn an in-depth study of C language syntax, C program development, and programming methodologies. This course covers the fundamentals of the C programming language and basic programming skills essential for beginners. The goal of this course is to enable students to enhance their programming skills through various examples and extensive hands-on programming exercises, ensuring they are well-prepared for advanced courses in the Computer Science curriculum.
    • IT Leadership Seminar
      [2013 SPRING] [2012 SPRING] [2011 SPRING] [2010 SPRING]
      IT분야 성공적인 리더로서 필요한 다음과 같은 소양을 실습과 세미나를 통해 배운다.

      1. 리더십, 창의적인 문제해결 및 의사결정 능력
      2. 설득력 있는 커뮤니케이션 능력
      3. 신뢰를 구축하고 협력을 얻는 원만한 인간관계 형성
      4. 걱정 및 스트레스를 효과적으로 조절하는 능력
      5. 자신감과 열정을 가지고 스스로 혁신하려는 태도와 책임감 개발
    • Computer Science & Engineering Seminar
      [2012 FALL] [2011 FALL]
      본 과목은 컴퓨터 공학부 학부 학생들이 세미나에 참석하여 다양한 전공 분야에 대한 지식을 얻도록 하는 데에 그 목적을 둔다. 컴퓨터 공학 교수님 및 해당 분야 전문가의 강연을 듣고 다양한 컴퓨터 분야의 동향, 전문 지식 및 연구 개발 방법을 익힌다.
    • IT Venture Creation
      [2011 SPRING] [2010 SPRING]
      본 강좌에서는 IT벤처의 성공모델을 분석하고 벤처성공의 핵심요소들을 다룬다. 10여명의 성공한 IT벤처기업가 등 외부의 강사가 초빙되어 자신들의 벤처창업 경험과 산업전망 등 비즈니스 현장의 실용적 지식을 제공한다.